If you are visiting this site to GIVE to First Assembly, and this is your first time, please Register for an account, then go to the Online Giving page once you are logged in.

If you have already have an account, simply log in. If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot Password" and a password reset will be sent to you.

You may also create an account (first time only) or log in to Register for an Event or Mission Trip, make a payment on a Mission Trip, Locate a Group, or access the Group Leader Toolbox.

If you were directed to this page to register for Awana or JBQ, please log in OR create an account if you don't have one. As soon as you have set up your account you will be able to register for Awana or JBQ by going to the EVENTS page.  Thanks!



Don't have a user account?  Create Account